Research Agenda

Dr. Guo-Brennan has a research focus that reflects his professional and educational background as well as a commitment to teaching and advancing knowledge. The organizing focus is community engagement and diversity. These interests have developed over time through his experiences in the public and private sectors, in and out of the classroom. They also reflect a strong commitment to research that has practical application. His research agenda is focused on fourbroad and interdisciplinary areas:

  • Globally Competent Leadership and Practice for a Welcoming Community
    • A central focus of this research is to understand the complexities of the newcomers’ experience and to identify policies that may lead to a system of support that considers the reciprocal influences of immigrants, refugees, and domestic peoples as they interact and connect in the schools and communities at large. Major issues include globally competent leadership, understanding of difference, creating welcoming communities, and respect for diversity.
  • Education policy and civic engagement in urban education
    • Research in this area is centered on education policy reform and the interaction of stakeholders both inside and outside the education regime to structure a reform agenda. Specifically, human relationships are considered within the urban power context as they relate to diversity, civic capacity, racial and social justice and non-education stakeholder involvement in education policy.
  • Community development and global competency
    • Cultural competency, global awareness, and the ability to successfully interact with those who are different are critical issues in economic and community development, community engagement, and local governance. Leaders in communities of all sizes need to be globally competent to attract global development as well as meet the needs of an increasingly diverse population.  Michael’s work in this area centers around policies and practices to improve governmental and non-profit organizational global competency as well as the development of globally aware policies and practices.
  • Crisis management
    • Guo-Brennan’s work in this area began in 2008 when he co-authored an article examining the government response following Hurricane Katrina. In 2016, he published an entry in the Global Encyclopedia of Pubic Administration, Public Policy, and Governance discussing the global agenda for crisis management.  These articles, as well as unpublished research into the impact of terrorism and other crisis on tourism consider the economic, social, and culture impact of man-caused, and natural disasters and the public policy efforts to recover, respond, and mitigate such disasters.

Research Grants & Activities

Books in Print
Guo-Brennan, M. (2024). Globally Competent Governance: Strategies for Building Welcoming and Inclusive Communities. Routledge.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2023). School Choice and the Impact of COVID-19: Parent Frustration, Accountability, and a Time of Reckoning for American Public Schools. Routledge.
Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2022). Preparing Globally Competent Professionals and Leaders for Innovation and Sustainability. IGI Global.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2020). Community engagement for better schools: Guaranteeing accountability, representativeness, and equality. Cham: Springer Publishing.
Edited Books in Preparation
Guo-Brennan, M., Roser-Mims, D., Guajardo, M., Guo-Brennan, L., & Arar, K. (Eds). (2025, In Press). Global Public Leadership for a Sustainable Future: Issues and Solutions in Public and Non-Profit Organizations. Leeds, UK. Emerald Publishing
Guo-Brennan, M., Roser-Mims, D., Guajardo, M., Guo-Brennan, L., & Arar, K. (Eds). (2025, Under Contract). Global Public Leadership for Inclusion and Innovation: Emerging Issues, Models, and Strategies in the Era of Globalization 4.1. Routledge.
Guo-Brennan, M., Roser-Mims, D., Guajardo, M., Guo-Brennan, L., & Arar, K. (Eds). (2025, Under Contract). Inclusive, Resilient, and Youth-centered Educational Leadership. Routledge
Refereed Journal Articles       
Guo-Brennan, M. (2021). The Weberian Politics-Administration Dichotomy in Time of Global Crisis: Neutral Competence or Cadre Organizations. Chinese Public Administration Review, 12(2), 145-152.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2021).  The Politics-Administration Dichotomy in Time of Crisis: East versus West. Chinese Public Administration Review. Available at The Politics-Administration Dichotomy in Time of Global Crisis: Neutral Competence or Cadre Organizations | Guo-Brennan | Chinese Public Administration Review (
Guo-Brennan, L., & Guo-Brennan, M. (2021). Leading Welcoming and Inclusive Schools for Newcomer Students: A Conceptual Framework. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(1), 57-75.
Guo-Brennan, L. & Guo-Brennan, M. (2020). Promoting educational justice and inclusion for newcomer students through critical global citizenship education. Journal of Global Citizenship & Equity Education.
Guo-Brennan, L., VanLeeuwen, C., Macphee, M. M., & Guo-Brennan, M. (2020, Summer 2020). Community-Based Learning for International Graduate Students. Michigan Journal of Commuity Service Learning, 26(2).
Guo-Brennan, M., & Guo-Brennan, L. (2019, July). Civic capacity and engagement in building welcoming and inclusive communities for newcomers: Praxis, recommendations, and policy implications. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 11(2).
Guo-Brennan, M. (2018). Building sustainable civic capacity in urban education reform: Actors, perceptions and recommendations for inclusive public policy. E-Journal of Public Affairs, 7(2). Available at:
Guo-Brennan, L., Francis, C., Townsend, E. & Guo-Brennan, M. (2016). Multi-stakeholder partnership in teacher education and development. Comparative and International Education, 45(3). Available at:
Koven, S. & Goetzke, F., Brennan, M. (2008). Profiling public affairs programs: The view from the top. Administration & Society, 40(7), 691-710.
Articles in Preparation
Guo-Brennan, M. (2025, under review). A Systems Approach for Globally Competent Leadership: Bringing Locals and Cosmopolitans Together. Administration & Society.
Book Chapters
Guo-Brennan, L., & Guo-Brennan, M. (2025, in press). Globally competent education leadership for newcomer students’ equity and inclusion. In E. Crawford-Rossi, K. Arar, D. Orucu, & I. Bogotch (Eds.), Education, immigration and migration: Policy. Leadership and praxis for a changing world (Vol. 2). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
Guo-Brennan, L., & Guo-Brennan, M. (2020). Global citizenship education and social justice for immigrant students: Implications for administration, leadership, and teaching in schools. In R. Papa (Ed.), Handbook on promoting social justice in education. Cham: Springer.
Guo-Brennan, L., & Guo-Brennan, M. (2019). Building welcoming and inclusive schools for immigrant and refugee students: Framework and promising praxis. In K. Arar, J. S. Brooks, & I. Bogotch (Eds.), Education, immigration and migration: Policy. Leadership and praxis for a changing world (pp. 73-94). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing.
Koven, S. G., & Brennan, M. (2014). Hurricane Katrina: Preparedness, response and the politics administration dichotomy in New Orleans emergency management. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Crisis and Emergency Management: Theory and Practice (2nd ed., pp. 349-360). CRC Press.
Brennan, M., & Koven, S. (2009). Hurricane Katrina: Preparedness, response and the politics administration dichotomy. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Bureaucracy and Administration (pp. 253-268). Boca Raton, F: CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.
Encyclopedia Entries
Guo-Brennan, M. (2019). Global Competency in Public Administration. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Pubic Administration, Public Policy, and Governance.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2016). Global agenda for crisis management. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Pubic Administration, Public Policy, and Governance. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_729-1.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2024, September). School Choice for Greater Educational Inclusion in the United States (Paper Accepted).  Paper be presented at a symposium titled “Leadership for Equitable, Resilient, and Sustainable Education Systems at the British Educational Research Association/ World Education Research Association annual conference, Manchester UK.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2024, June). Global Competence Education for an Equitable and Sustainable Future (Paper Accepted).  Paper be presented at the Canadian Society for the Study of Education 52nd annual conference, Montreal, QC Canada.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2024, March). Reflections on Fear: The Land Exclusions Acts of 2023.  Panel Chair at the 2024 Southern Studies Conference at Auburn University at Montgomery.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2023, October). Globally Competent Governance: Strategies for Building Welcoming and Inclusive Communities for All.  Paper presented at the 2023 International Leadership Association’s 25th annual global conference, Vancouver, BC Canada.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2023, July). Public Policy and Community Engagement for Music Education.  Paper presented at the 2023 Music and the Maritimes: Access to Music Education Summer Conference, PEI Canada.
Guo-Brennan, M., Guo-Brennan, L. (2022, October). Responsible Global Leadership for an Equitable and Sustainable Future.  Paper presented at the 2022 International Leadership Association’s 24th annual global conference.
Guo-Brennan, L., Guo-Brennan, M. & Huayamave, M. (2022, May). Global Competence Education in Higher Education: Faculty Perspectives and Engagement.  Paper presented at the 2022 Comparative and International Education Society of Canada annual conference.
Guo-Brennan, L., Guo-Brennan, M. & Huayamave, M. (2022, May). Developing Global Competence Educators.  Paper presented at the 2022 Canadian Society for the Study of Education annual conference.
Guo-Brennan, L., Guo-Brennan, M. & Huayamave, M. (2022, April). Global Competence Education for All in Higher Education: Faculty Perspectives and Engagement.  Paper presented at the 2022 American Educational Research Association annual conference.
Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2022, April). Developing Globally Competent Citizens and Leaders for 21st Century: A Transnational Study on Higher Education Policy, Leadership, and Praxis.  Paper presented at the 2022 World Education Research Association.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2020, October). Building welcoming and inclusive communities for all. Paper presented at the 2020 Northeast Conference on Public Administration, Boston, MA.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2020, April). Building welcoming and inclusive communities for all. Paper accepted to the American Society for Public Administration annual international conference, Los Angeles.  [CONFERENCE CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19].
Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2019, April). Preparing globally competent leaders and public administrators: Examining policy, strategies and practices in higher education. Paper accepted to the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.
Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan. (2019, April). Making newcomers feel welcome: Strategies for local government to build welcoming and inclusive communities.  Paper accepted to the Midwest Political Science Association annual conference, Chicago, IL
Guo-Brennan, L. & Guo-Brennan, M. (2019, April). Building inclusive and welcoming schools: Framework and praxis. Paper presented to the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.
Guo-Brennan, L., VanLeeuwen, C., MacPhee, M. & Guo-Brennan, M. (2018, July). Service learning and community engagement in international graduate education: Impact, opportunities and barriers. Paper presented at the 2018 International Association for Research on Service Learning and Community Engagement (IARSLCE) Conference. New Orleans, USA. [Did not attend conference].
Guo-Brennan. M., & Guo-Brennan. L. (2018, May). Global competency in public administration: A comparative study on promising policies, strategies, and practices.  Paper presented at the International Federation of National Teaching Fellows, Halifax, NS.
Guo-Brennan, L., Van Leeuwan, C., MacPhee, M., Guo-Brennan, M. (2018, May).  Transformative Community based learning for international graduate students: Impact, strategies and implications. Paper presented at the Dalhousie Conference on Teaching and Learning, Halifax, NS.
Guo-Brennan, M. (2017). Building welcoming and inclusive communities for immigrants and refugees: A comparative analysis on public policy and practice.  Paper presented at the Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL
Guo-Brennan, M. (2017). Civic engagement in developing inclusive policy for urban education reform: Perceptions of educators and stakeholders.  Paper presented at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2017). Civic capacity in building welcoming and inclusive communities for newcomers: An international perspective.  Paper presented at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2016). Building welcoming communities for newcomer youth: Immigration Policy in Canada and Prince Edward Island. Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC.
Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2015). Enhancing equity and excellence in schools through integrated immigration policy, research, and praxis. Paper presented at Pathways to Prosperity National Conference: Responding to a changing immigration environment, Toronto, ON Canada
Guo-Brennan, M. & Guo-Brennan, L. (2015). Examination of education reform policy and program development from an international and comparative perspective. Paper presented at the Global Conference on Public Policy and Administration, Los Angeles, CA.
Guo, L. Wei, X. & Brennan, M. (2014). Developing students’ global competency in higher education: A comparative study. Paper presented at International Conference on Transforming Canada-China Educational Cooperation, Beijing, China.
Brennan, M. (2013). The impact of budget cuts on municipalities. Legislative Policy Council Round Table discussion at Maine Municipal Association Annual Conference, Augusta, ME.